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Crimes Against Music
Friday December 7th, 2012 with Bill Guerrero
December Theme: Apocalypservice

A whole show devoted to the inevitable failure of the predictions of the end of the world this coming December 21, 2012. Perhaps the enlightenment we need to reach is that this continual expectation of the end of the world is stupid.
The Earth Died Screaming
Tom Waits - Bone Machine - Island (1992)
While We Were Dreaming
Pink Mountaintops - Outside Love - Jagjaguar (2009) Canadian
There You Go Station
The City Above - ...and Other Weird Tales (advance copy) - Giallo (2013) Canadian New
Season in Hell
Dum Dum Girls - End of Daze - Sub Pop (2012)
vii (music bed)
Aluk Todolo - Occult Rock - Norma Evangelium Diaboli (2012) New
Killing Joke - Killing Joke - Malicious Damage (1980)
Electric Funeral
Black Sabbath - Paranoid - Warner (1970)
Black Planet
The Sisters of Mercy - First and Last and Always - WEA (1985)
The End of All Things
Nomeansno - Wrong - Alternative Tentacles (1989) Canadian
World War 3
D.O.A. - The Dawning of a New Error - Alternative Tentacles (1985) Canadian
La FIn Du Monde
The Dirtbombs - We Have You Surrounded - In The Red (2008)
Interactive CKCU
if the world ends december 21, how likely is it that the last song you'd hear is a christmas jingle? that my friend is the most terrifying prospect

7:17 PM, December 7th, 2012
Bill Guerrero (host)
Worst still, I will likely be responsible for the said jingle. Well, maybe I'll give things a look-see on my way into the station on the 21st. If it's looking kinda grim, maybe I'll make it an all-request "last request" show.

7:32 PM, December 7th, 2012
Bill Guerrero (host)
That should be WORSE still. It can always get worse.

7:33 PM, December 7th, 2012
mary xmas
people will request jingle cats. mark my word. also, the world will end in ice, and with a whimper.

7:39 PM, December 7th, 2012
Bill Guerrero (host)
What goes into a whimper (aside from ice). Melon liqueur and irish mist? And, you know, it's Mark that's going to request jingle cats. Him or Aurele.

7:42 PM, December 7th, 2012
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