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Friday Morning Cartunes
Friday February 1st, 2019 with John Westhaver
disparate journey...

Light And Darkness : Darkness- Flowers Must Die
Ash Ra Tempel - Schwingungen - Spalax
Lorelle Meets The Obsolete - De Facto - El Derrumbe
Masaki Batoh - Nowhere - Drag City
Delired Chameleon Family - Visa De Censure N° X - Wah Wah
Paris: Beautiful May
Richard Pinhas - East West - Bureau B
Changing Times
Ian Carr with Nucleus - Solar Plexus - Vertigo
Et Cetera - S/T - Long Hair
Tonjes Dream Interruption
Exmagma - S/T - Daily Records
Jack and Jills (Rain Face)
Tabby Sensibilities - S/T - The Weird Beard
Closet Full Of Candles
Expo 70 - Virtually From The Unknown - Sonic Meditations
Peace Of Mind
Blue Cheer - New! Improved! - Philips
Go Ahead
Satin Whale - Lost Mankind - Long Hair
Workin' Man Noise Unit - It's Not Nothin' - Riot Season
Prostitute To Spacecraft
Farflung - This Capsule - Noisolution
Svärmors Brudpolska / Wedding Reel
Träd Gräs Och Stenar - Hemlösa Katter / Homeless Cats - Subliminal Sounds
Part I
Black Bombaim & Peter Brötzmann - S/T - Lovers & Lollypops
Bayreuth Return
Klaus Schulze - Timewind - Brain
Interactive CKCU
Morning John

9:37 AM, February 1st, 2019
Professor Mike
Good Morning: Awesome start to the show and got cranked up on my headphones, Lol.

9:37 AM, February 1st, 2019
John Westhaver (host)
Hey Roger...hope winter is treating you well....need to warm things up this morning in my hood...good grief it's frosty

9:38 AM, February 1st, 2019
Dave M
Morning John, great start to the show!

9:40 AM, February 1st, 2019
John Westhaver (host)
Hey Dave...Cheers man ! {:>))))

9:40 AM, February 1st, 2019
We've had about an inch of snow and the whole area has ground to a halt. Schools shut and refuse collections cancelled. We're just not geared up for snow.

9:41 AM, February 1st, 2019
John Westhaver (host)
getting off easy there Roger...although yes never the stupid scenario that rears as winter in Cana-DUH !

9:43 AM, February 1st, 2019
Dave M
We've had a bit of snow (cough)

9:45 AM, February 1st, 2019
Gooooooood morning! John, tomorrow, a *balmy* -7! Roger (in England?): Here in Ottawa, my backyard has at least two feet of snow; in the Laurentians (in Québec, a bit north, alt. 800 feet), there's at least 4 feet of snow on the ground.

9:47 AM, February 1st, 2019
John Westhaver (host)
we had a lot of snow in January...most since 1999 they say...worst though is the super cold...which it's been constantly for weeks...hard to not be worn out be it...

9:49 AM, February 1st, 2019
John Westhaver (host)
Benoit ! The weatherman cometh ! {:>)))))

9:50 AM, February 1st, 2019
Benoit - Yep, it's me in England. It doesn't take much snow to cause chaos over here.

10:01 AM, February 1st, 2019
Dave M
What Roger says :D

10:01 AM, February 1st, 2019
John Westhaver (host)
counting the dayz me....

10:03 AM, February 1st, 2019
Roger: heck, in Québec, your vehicle MUST have snow tires after 15 December (generally considered as too late a date!). No such obligation in Ontario, but with light cars and big SUVs*, people have learned that all-season tires suck in snow and ice. *LOTS of big 'utes' around here.

10:06 AM, February 1st, 2019
John Westhaver (host)

10:07 AM, February 1st, 2019
Dave L
my kinda radio - freeking awesome!

10:09 AM, February 1st, 2019
John Westhaver (host)
Cheers Dave L {:>))))

10:10 AM, February 1st, 2019
Hi John, I'll stop by the shop later tonight.

10:18 AM, February 1st, 2019
John Westhaver (host)
see you later then {:>))))

10:19 AM, February 1st, 2019
@B: I've been with studded tires for two seasons now. It makes a huge difference. My front wheel driver feels like 4 wheel drive.

10:19 AM, February 1st, 2019
If yer out ther'in shorts, yer daft, punk!

10:20 AM, February 1st, 2019
John, petition CKCU to go to 5-1/2 hours! Hahahahahahha....

10:29 AM, February 1st, 2019
John Westhaver (host)
Ha !

10:30 AM, February 1st, 2019
Logging off now to watch some cricket on TV. I'll catch up with the rest of the show over the weekend. Have a good one Colonials :)

10:35 AM, February 1st, 2019
John Westhaver (host)
Cheers Roger !

10:36 AM, February 1st, 2019
Dave M
My, this is meaty!! Cheers for playing Tabby mate!

11:01 AM, February 1st, 2019
John Westhaver (host)
Very Good LP Dave M. {:>))))

11:10 AM, February 1st, 2019
Tabby Russ
Thanks John, your taste is impeccable ! Tabby on the airwaves brings to me joy in great big shovel loads

11:25 AM, February 1st, 2019
John Westhaver (host)
my pleasure Russ ! The album is most excellent throughout...will be spinning more in the near future {:>))))

11:27 AM, February 1st, 2019
Tanya Onysko
It is nice that this journey is not desperate! (^;

11:42 AM, February 1st, 2019