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Infinite Ceiling
Thursday March 22nd, 2012 with mark keill
Part V in series on music from Finland

Strings n' Things : Part V in the never-ending on-going infrequent series on music from Finland, this week with the focus on bands that feature violins and cellos
Höyry-kone - Hyonteisia Voi Rakastaa
Scarlet Thread - Valheista Kaunein
Markku Peltola - Buster Keaton tarkistaa idän ja lännen
Worlds Collide
Apocalyptica - Worlds Collide
Uncle Meat
Ensemble Ambrosius - The Zappa Album
Beata Viscera
Höyry-kone - Huono Parturi
Terva-Antti Ki Häihin Lähti
Höyry-kone - Huono Parturi
Mamelukki & Musta
Alamaailman Vasarat - Vasaraasia
Kivitetty Saatana
Alamaailman Vasarat - Käärmelautakunta
Uzva - Uoma
Sorja Tanz
Doina Klezmer - Sorja Tanz
Meri Tiitola - Meri Tiitola
Gjallarhorn - Grimborg
Interactive CKCU
Great tune everything is now!

10:08 PM, March 22nd, 2012
Gamantyo Hendrantoro
A great list, Mark. Will try to tune in again next week from Indonesia.

10:13 PM, March 22nd, 2012
Gamantyo Hendrantoro
Only got the last few minutes of your show I guess. Found out I'm only 11 hours ahead of your zone, not 12 as I estimated before. It's okay, I'll try again next week.

10:19 PM, March 22nd, 2012
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