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Infinite Ceiling
Thursday November 9th, 2023 with Colin & Emily
Infinite Ceiling: Funding Drive Round 3!

It's the final stretch of Funding Drive 2023! Join Colin and Emily for the last FD23 edition of Infinite Ceiling as they make their final push to their fundraising goal for the year!
Welcome to Hell
black midi - Hellfire
Do Nothing - Snake Sideways
Wasabi Hands
Atsuko Chiba - The Memory Empire Canadian
Julie Arsenault - Nothing Sweeter Canadian New
I'll Stay
Jerry Leger - Donlands Canadian New
Spectres Haunting
Tyler Shipley - Theory and Praxis Canadian New
I See Your Shadow
Touched Fables - A Thousand Goodbyes Canadian New
August John - Call Me EP Canadian New
Bethamy Wood
Chautauqua - Bethamy Wood b​/​w Sad Catstronaut Canadian
Keturah - Otherside Canadian
the woman you need
Clara Sanchez - Single Canadian
Interactive CKCU
OMG...another GREAT vocal performance by Keturah!! Love this artist, Colin!!

9:47 PM, November 9th, 2023