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Infinite Ceiling
Thursday July 6th, 2023 with Colin
Infinite Ceiling: Jeudi soir avec Colin!

We've added some fantastic French-Canadian artists into the mix! That and much more on this evening's episode of Infinite Ceiling!
Future Me Hates Me
The Beths - Future Me Hates Me
Watching the Credits
The Beths - Single New
Des feux pour voir
Marie-Pierre Arthur - Des feux pour voir Canadian
Arielle Soucy - Single Canadian
time waits
glitter party - Single Canadian New
You're Ugly When You Cry
Laura Sauvage - "The Beautiful" Canadian
Fran - A Private Picture
It Returns
The Greenhornes - Dual Mono
Sandrine St-Laurent - Sandrine St-Laurent EP Canadian
Accumulated Shortcomings
Daniel Rotem - Wave Nature New
Chompy's Paradise
BadBadNotGood - IV Canadian
The Sad Birthdays - Space Race Canadian
Burning Kingdom of Now
Thantifaxath - Hive Mind Narcosis Canadian New
Charging The Void
Vektor - Terminal Redux
Killing Technology
Voivod - Killing Technology Canadian
Get Stoned
Stone - Stone Age 2.0
Interactive CKCU