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Infinite Ceiling
Thursday June 15th, 2023 with Colin
Checking Out Some Local Talent and Diving Into Japanese Jazz-Fusion!

Among Colin's curated collection of evening tunes is a full block of new releases from local artists as well as not one but TWO blocks dedicated to brilliant Japanese 70s jazz-fusion! Don't miss it!
bathwash. - Solar Farm Canadian New
Then It Goes
Preloved - Single Canadian New
blue eyes
just fine - Single Canadian New
Gulfer, valleyheart and just fine will be performing at Rainbow Bistro (76 Murray St.) on Saturday, 17 June 2023. Tickets start at $20; doors open at 8:30 p.m.
Olive Glasses
Organ Eyes - Prosody test Canadian New
Get Up!
Akira Ishikawa & Count Buffalos - Get Up!
The Breeze And I
Ryo Kawasaki - Juice
Brasilian Skies
Masayoshi Takanaka - Brasilian Skies
Le matin
Bibi Club - Le soleil et la mer Canadian
Suuns - Hold/Still Canadian
I Forget What I Remembered
Thus Owls - Who Would Hold You If The Sky Betrayed Us? Canadian
Midnight Rendezvous
Casiopea - Casiopea
Night Dreamer
The Square - Adventures
Straight Flash
Hiromasa Suzuki - High-Flying
It Could Happen To You
Ryo Fukui - Scenery
Interactive CKCU
Ola! new Bud of mine goes to Japan once a yr....her son lives diggin' the jazzz!

9:06 PM, June 15th, 2023
Colin Boudreault (host)
Jealous of your friend's son, HB - would love to visit Japan some day! Good to see you this evening. :)

9:11 PM, June 15th, 2023
He teaches English.... If you order one maybe I could ask her to bring it back...are they big? Shes not!

9:33 PM, June 15th, 2023
Colin Boudreault (host)
Very generous of you, HB! Don't know if I could trust Air Canada to deliver it to me in one piece, however - lots of horror stories of instruments being reduced to smithereens via their mishandling of them!

9:43 PM, June 15th, 2023
heard a few good ones.... I luv my guitars! (5)

10:49 PM, June 15th, 2023