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Infinite Ceiling
Thursday July 29th, 2021 with Sean McFee
The Fading Label

This week’s show takes a look at the Fading label from Italy, which was a sub-label of AltrOck that ran from 2010 through 2018. The purpose of this imprint was to have a brand for their more conventional progressive rock releases, as AltrOck specialized in more avant/out music. In total 10 of the 27 releases on that label are featured. SKE and Ciccada, whose new releases have recently been played on the show, are among the artists here. Also included are two artists from Israel (Sanhedrin and Musica Ficta) and another from Belarus (The Worm Ouroboros). Italian prog is not surprisingly the most represented, with releases (besides SKE) from Locanda delle fate, La Coscienza di Zeno, Not a Good Sign, and La Bocca della Verità.
Infinite Ceiling Theme
David Murphy - Canadian
A Garden of Delights
Ciccada - A Child in the Mirror - Fading FAD-001
Dark Age
Sanhedrin - Ever After - Fading FAD-002
SKE - 1000 Autunni - Fading FAD-003
Man and Angel
Musica Ficta - A Child & A Well - Fading FAD-006
Locanda delle fate - The Missing Fireflies - Fading FAD-005
The Worm Ouroboros - Of Things That Never Were - Fading FAD-011
Il paese ferito
La Coscienza di Zeno - La notte anche di giorno - Fading FAD-017
Ciccada - The Finest of Miracles - Fading FAD-018
I Feel Like Snowing
Not a Good SIgn - From a Distance - Fading FAD-019
La deportazione degli Avenothiani
La Bocca della Verità - Avenoth - Fading FAD-025
Sanhedrin - Ever After - Fading FAD-002
Interactive CKCU
good radio!

9:22 PM, July 29th, 2021
Amazing episode !

9:33 PM, July 29th, 2021
Hey Regis.. nice "80's" show btw

9:55 PM, July 29th, 2021