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Infinite Ceiling
Thursday July 21st, 2011 with Mark Keill
All Cdn July week III

This week a few tracks from releases still only available on vinyl, a few tracks from OOP CDs and a few tracks that are neither
Infinite Ceiling Theme
Dave Murphy - <single> - independent Canadian
Border Crossing
FM - Head Room - Discwasher Canadian
Le crieur
Serge Locat - Transfert - CBS Canadian
Michael Brook - Live at the Aquarium - 4AD Canadian
Madrid - Warm Waters - Aporia Canadian
Evil Ball
Sinoia Caves - The Enchanter Persuaded - brah Canadian
Syncope - Syncope - independent Canadian
Le "Pit" de Sable De Lucerne
Connivence - Connivence - Kebec Canadian
Connivence - Connivence - Kebec Canadian
Opus 5 - Serieux ou Pas - Aller Retour Canadian
Agnus Dei
Laurel MacDonald - Chroma - Wicklow Canadian
Mahogany Frog - On Blue - independent Canadian
Springtime for Canadian Youths
Mahogany Frog - On Blue - independent Canadian