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Infinite Ceiling
Thursday November 28th, 2019 with The Definitely Competent Sean McFee
Vocals aren't so bad

In the Western World
Spirogyra - Bells, Boots, and Shambles - Si-Wan
Binoculars (aka "Legends in Their Own Lunchtime")
National Health - BBC Session 1977
Mercanti di pazzie
Maxophone - Maxophone - Mellow
I due amanti
Corte dei Miracoli - Corte dei Miracoli - Vinyl Magic
Klapschmock! - Use These Songs In Your Commercial Canadian
Klapschmock! - Use These Songs In Your Commercial Canadian
Carpentry (Speed 2)
Klapschmock! - Use These Songs In Your Commercial Canadian
Endless Cycles of the Crankshaft Carousel
Klapschmock! - Use These Songs In Your Commercial Canadian
Home Hardware
Klapschmock! - Use These Songs In Your Commercial Canadian
Klapschmock! - Use These Songs In Your Commercial Canadian
Kotebel - Omphalos - Musea
Revealing Signs of Love
Cast - Angels and Demons
Interactive CKCU