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Infinite Ceiling
Thursday April 29th, 2010 with Mark Keill
Early Swedish Progressive Music 1967-1979 part 6

This week the final part of the on-going series of early Sedish prog/psych/fusion The show will start off with a track from Bo Hansson who passed away this week at the age of 67. I played some of his work ealier in this series with Hansson and Karlsson as well as some Flasket Brinner
Infinite Ceiling Theme
David Murphy - < Single > - Independent Canadian
Music Inspired by Lord of the Rings
Bo Hansson - The Black Riders : Flight to the Ford
Sogmusobil - Arabic In The Morning
Solar Plexus
Solar Plexus - Skönna Låten
< single >
Splash - Sunday Ride
Trettioåriga Kriget
Trettioåriga Kriget - Ur Djupen
Träd Gräs Och Stenar
Träd Gräs Och Stenar - Sanningens Silverflod
Vittras Visor
Turid - To The Children Of Song My
Monica Törnell - Öje Brudemarsch
< single >
Uppåt Väggarna - Jag Hatar Politik
Tungt Vatten
Vatten - Jag Är Trött
Vildkaktus - Jag Såg Din Stand
Framtiden ar ett savvande skepp
Älgarnas Trädgård - Saturnus Ringar