Matrix Magazine's recent spotlight on Ottawa poets brought well-deserved attention to a fine crop of writers, but Ottawa is a city that punches above its weight in talent. I want to celebrate my last show of the year by featuring a sort of alternative collection of poets putting in work this year. Tune in to find out who answered my emails.
Literary Landscape Intro Abigail Kashul - LL |
Going Critical jwcurry & Quatour Gualour - Messagio Galore Take XIV |
Who the Smart People Are Michael Dennis - Unreleased |
Untitled Haibun (Chinatown Remixed) Jenna Jarvis - Unreleased |
false teeth futures Jenna Jarvis - Unreleased |
Some Amphibians Jennifer Baker - Unreleased |
Mapping Sneha Madhavan-Reese - Unreleased |
Ampersand Eyes - Elegy for Rooks Steven Artelle - Unreleased |
The Crime for Which He's Serving Life Brecken Hancock - Unreleased |
Two Virgins Ago Jeff Blackman - Moose & Pussy #8: Oral |
Northern Ontario a.m. kozak - Unreleased |
Trinity Bellwoods Park: Girl Katherine Leyton - Unreleased |
Tremolo Ben Ladouceur - Unreleased |
Literary Landscape Outro Abigail Kashul - LL |