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Janis Lockwood
Thursday April 25th, 2019 with Janis Lockwood
The Ottawa Grassroots Festival starts tonight and runs until Sunday.

Sunny August Full of Moon
Turlte Island String Quartet - Metropolis
Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman
Ornette Coleman, Charlie Haden - Soapsuds, Soapsuds
Irembey - Pe
Raul Barboza - Raul Barboza
I Was In The World, Was The World In Me
Richard Reed Parry - Quiet River of Dust Canadian
Going Home
Ian Tamblyn - Let It Go Canadian
The Ottawa Grassroots Festival starts tonight and runs through Sunday. Ian Tamblyn and his band take the stage on Friday night.
Sable Island
Sultans of String - Yalla Yall
The Sultans of String play the First Unitarian Congregation on Sunday, May 5.
Lone Wolf
Jack Pine and the Fire - Left To Our Own Devices Canadian
Jack Pine does a solo show at the Grassroots Festival this Saturday.
Large Bachelor
The Toasted Westerns - Out to Lunch Canadian
The Toasted Westerns play the Grassroots Festival Friday night.
Ray Charles - The Birth of Soul 1954 - 1957
A Woman Will Do Wrong
Irma Thomas - Something Good
Interactive CKCU
Good show on a beautiful sunny day

4:43 PM, April 25th, 2019
Janis Lockwood (host)
Thanks so much,, Shubham. Appreciate you tuning in!

4:47 PM, April 25th, 2019