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Janis Lockwood
Thursday July 2nd, 2015 with DJ DesTrois
some random X-mas fun

Temen Oblak
Christopher Tin featuring Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares - The Drop That Contained The Sea - Tin Works New
Keep You
Wild Belle - Isles - Columbia (2013)
King Cobb Steelie - S/T - Raw Energy (1993) Canadian
Gore Veil
Deadly Snakes - Porcella - Paper Bag (2005) Canadian
DoomSquad - Pageantry Suite - Hand Drawn Dracula Canadian New
Continental Shelf
Viet Cong - S/T - Flemish Eye Canadian New
Red Mass - 7" - Zaxxon Canadian New
For A Dream
Captain Foxy - Blacklisted From Your Heart - Wooly Jumper (2006/07?) Canadian
I Wanna Be Your Dog
Uncle Tupelo - 89/93: An Anthology - Columbia/Legacy (2002)
Pull Your Vanity Down
John Lennox - Into The Bull's Shoulder - Living Aspect (2005) Canadian
Caleb Meyer
Gillian Welch - Hell Among The Yearlings - Almo Sounds (1998)
Gianna Lauren - Forward Music Group 2015 sampler - Forward Music Group/Backward Music Canadian New
Reckless Behaviour
Soak - Before We Forgot How To Dream - Rough Trade New
Interactive CKCU
You are not Janis! Don't try to pull the wool over our eyes Dave!!

4:09 PM, July 2nd, 2015
Dave Aardvark (host)
too warm for wool, only light fabrics allowed today

4:15 PM, July 2nd, 2015