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Janis Lockwood
Thursday January 15th, 2015 with Janis Lockwood

Ian Tamblyn - Walking In The Footsteps: Celebrating The Group of Seven Canadian New
The Beauty of Sorrow
Pauline Oliveros - Planet Squeezbox
Symphony NO.4, "Heros": Neukoin
Philip Glass - Sonic Rebellion: Alternative Classical Collection
Donde Estas Maria/Thapsos
Riccardo Test and Banditaliana - Thapsos
Sister Rosetta Goes Before Us
Robert Plant / Alison Krauss - Raising Sand
Saint Hubert
The Agnostic Mountain Gospel Choir - Saint Hubert Canadian
Emotional Weather Report
Tom Waits - Nighthawks At The Diner
The Souljazz Orchestra - Inner Fire Canadian
Blue Leo
Leo Parker - Let Me Tell You About It
Sounds of the Aborigine - Didgeridoos Ourimbah
Flamenco Sketches
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
Interactive CKCU
David Dalle
Fantastic show today! I love the piece by Pauline Oliveros, too short though!

4:30 PM, January 15th, 2015
Janis Lockwood (host)
Isn't she amazing? Thanks!

4:32 PM, January 15th, 2015
COOL! Diggin' the Didg' ;^)

4:47 PM, January 15th, 2015
Janis Lockwood (host)
Can you imagine the breath control it would take to play!

4:49 PM, January 15th, 2015
Makes me dizzy just thinking about it. Have a Didg' at home -- never got the cyclic breathing thing going..

5:00 PM, January 15th, 2015
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