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David Dalle
Thursday February 6th, 2025 with David Dalle
Black History Month: Black, Brown and Beige Part I. Music from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Gabon, Ghana, Niger, Mali.

For this year's first Black History Month program, we will be hearing Duke Ellington's most ambitious work in a live recording of its premiere at Carnegie Hall in 1943. Ellington had a long standing desire to perform at Carnegie Hall, America's most prestigious concert stage, and he was resentful that Benny Goodman beat him to the mark of being the first jazz played at Carnegie Hall in 1938. When Ellington finally got the chance to perform there in January, 1943, he quickly composed, over six weeks, a large scale work in three movements to premiere at the concert. Ellington wanted to show that jazz could be so much more than just dance hall music. He described "Black, Brown and Beige" as a musical description of Black American and Caribbean history. The concert was well over two hours long with "Black, Brown and Beige" the centrepiece. The audience, which comprised many famous musicians and people such as Glenn Miller, Frank Sinatra, and Eleanor Roosevelt, was very enthusiastic, but the reviews after the concert mostly ranged from tepid to hostile concerning "Black, Brown and Beige". The most negative were from white Classical music critics. Perhaps stung by the reviews, Ellington never performed the complete work again after 1943. He did perform a revised version of the first movement and recorded this in 1958. However, the 1943 Carnegie Hall concert was recorded and released, so we can hear the full piece from its premiere. The Ottawa Jazz Orchestra will be performing the complete "Black, Brown and Beige" at the NAC on Feb 22nd. A very rare chance to hear this work live!
We will hear "Black, Brown and Beige" in the second half of the show. The first half will feature African music including some albums from the terrific label "Awesome Tapes From Africa". They had a big sale over the holidays, and I filled out my collection from them. One of the most delightful aspects of this label is that the awesome tapes they reissue were all albums locally produced for domestic audiences. We will also hear Samba Touré, a protégé of Ali Farka Touré (no relation). He will be performing at the NAC Fourth Stage later in February and I've heard tickets are selling fast, get yours today!
Utshwala Begazati
Amaswazi Emvelo and Mahlathini - Thunder Before Dawn, The Indestructible Beat of Soweto Vol. 2 - Earthworks
Msaki x Tubatsi - Synthetic Hearts - No Format
Ephat Mujuru & The Spirit Of The People - Mbavaira - Awesome Tapes From Africa
Kuenda Mbire
Ephat Mujuru & The Spirit Of The People - Mbavaira - Awesome Tapes From Africa
Niaghualianau ghuni
Pape Nziengui - Kadi Yombo - Awesome Tapes From Africa
Banyere Yo
SK Kakraba - Songs of Pappieye - Awesome Tapes From Africa
Tarha Ebouse Dighe Mane
Etran de L'Air - Music from Saharan WhatsApp 01 - Sahel Sounds
Samba Toure - Songhai Blues: Homage To Ali Farka Toure - World Music Network
Koye Ma
Samba Toure - Songhai Blues: Homage To Ali Farka Toure - World Music Network
Black, Brown and Beige i. Black
Duke Ellington & His Orchestra - Carnegie Hall Concerts: January 1943 - Prestige
Black, Brown and Beige ii. Brown
Duke Ellington & His Orchestra - Carnegie Hall Concerts: January 1943 - Prestige
Black, Brown and Beige iii. Beige
Duke Ellington & His Orchestra - Carnegie Hall Concerts: January 1943 - Prestige
Duke Ellington & His Orchestra - Carnegie Hall Concerts: January 1943 - Prestige
Interactive CKCU
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Hi David. I just recently (couple of weeks ago) heard the entire Benny Goodman concert at Carnagie Hall. Absolutely amazing performance. I am really looking forward to Duke Ellington's performance there 5 years later !!

2:09 PM, February 6th, 2025
David Dalle (host)
Perfect, Benny Goodman and Ellington were so different, but both great.

2:12 PM, February 6th, 2025
Just joining in, and wanting to say EVERY month is Black History Month. And Woman's, and Indigenous, and Earth, and... Peace, ALL

2:58 PM, February 6th, 2025
And looking forward to "Black, Brown and Beige"!!

3:00 PM, February 6th, 2025