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3-Day Workshop: The Speaking Vibrations Method
May 24-26, 2024
LAB-O, Room 2101, 10 Daly Avenue
Price: Pay What You Can

The Speaking Vibrations Method is a 3-day workshop weekend that breaks down our group’s way of approaching accessibility, creative process and artistic collaboration through a series of workshops, panels and group discussions.

Speaking Vibrations gratefully acknowledges our gathering is on traditional territory of the Algonquin Anishinaabe, which surrounds the Kichesippi (Ottawa River) and “consists of 48 million acres inclusive of rivers, lakes, boreal forests, rock, trees, four legged, winged, and finned“ (Lynn Gehl at Weekend workshops sponsored by the generous support of the City of Ottawa.

All workshops are designed to be broadly accessible. If there is something we can do to support you please let us know, we will do our best to meet your needs and support you in attending the workshop series.

In keeping with Disability Justice, we understand the financial barriers that artists, arts workers, D/deaf and disabled artists and people face in attending events. As such this event has different options for pricing to ensure that finances are not a barrier to attending. All prices are Offer-What-You-Will pricing with suggestions of financial offers. We'd like to invite you to consider what you can offer to either support your attendance or someone else's.

For more information on accessibility and to purchase tickets: