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Scenes From A City - Analog Photography Vernissage + Bring Your Own Vinyl
5:00 PM on Tuesday Mar. 12th
Spark Beer & Pizza, 702 Somerset Street West

Featuring eight analog photographers who capture moments of energy, life, and movement in Ottawa.

Portraits of creatives and musicians, images of luminous night settings, neighbourhood sites, and local entertainment hubs are combined to present just a small glimpse into a vibrant and diverse arts scene. Each photographer has a unique voice, but all are connected by their passion for documenting their talented community and city.

The group exhibition will remain up until mid-April. 100% of framed print sales go to the artists; please inquire with a Spark Beer staff member regarding purchasing an artist’s work.

Bring your own vinyl to be curated as part of the soundtrack during the vernissage!

Featured Artists:

Adel Manji
Corey Pool
Emilie Klemm
Giacomo Oliviero
Jean Christian Furaha Ishimwe
Kate Roy
Sydney Hall


Yuli Sato