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7th Annual European Union Short Film Festival 2020
May 14-21, 2020
Online, .
Price: FREE

*FREE online programs view-on-demand May 14-21*
Welcome to the virtual version of our 7th annual European Union Short Film Festival! This very special online event is presented in collaboration with the Delegation of the European Union to Canada and the embassies and cultural institutes of participating EU member states.

While we usually hold this free event over three days at the Arts Court Theatre, with the ‘Tastes of Europe’ component adding food and drink to the cinematic nourishment, this year, for obvious reasons, we are holding the festival in a rather, shall we say, different venue. And, for this year only, you’ll have to supply your own nibbles and beverages. Regardless of the new venue and circumstances, though, we’re still pleased to present these amazing short works from filmmakers all over the European Union, and we are thankful that we live in age when technology enables us to bring this impressive moving image content to our audiences.

Finally, as the saying goes these days: “Stay home. Save lives.” Thanks to this online EU Short Film Festival, while you’re doing that you can also - with these 22 engaging and entertaining short films - travel safely all over the European Union!