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Gatherers: Regreta Brown * Rebecca Clouatre * Kristina Corre Lori Langille * Olivia Johnston * Amy Thompson
March 23 - April 20, 2019
Gallery 101, 280 Catherine St.
Price: FREE

Opening Reception & Artist Talk

The idea for Gatherers began with six artists’ desire to showcase various approaches to collage as a contemporary art medium. As a body of work, the show opens up the definition of what collage can be; to include a range of techniques for assembling found images and objects by analog, photographic, and digital means. In each of their own ways, the works of the six artists: Regreta Brown, Rebecca Clouatre, Kristina Corre, Lori Langille, Olivia Johnston, and Amy Thompson present quiet techniques and quiet approaches to a medium that has been historically maximalist, loud, and jumbled.

While showcasing these unique approaches to collage was the original impetus for the show, the show's title: Gatherers is the rich, thematic jumping off point for the works in the exhibition. ‘Gathering’ describes an essential part of our practices. As gatherers, we are all involved in very careful, purposeful, and constant practices of collecting - our works are products of what we gather. In putting this show together, we’ve faced our collections to consider: beyond what we gather, how do we put it all together? How do we edit it down? How does the act of gathering relate to ideas of sustenance, ritual, ceremony, and what we hold sacred or precious? Who and how do we gather as people?

Gallery 101 is an accessible venue