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Rabble Without A Cause
Wednesday July 11th, 2018 with Jim Reil
Don Cherry's Eternal Rhythm and Mu, the first part

Tonight we feature Don Cherry's recording Mu, from 1969. It's an extended duet with drummer Ed Blackwell, who had played with Cherry in Ornette Coleman's classic quartet. Both men had recently discovered the music of Africa and India.
Brilliant Action
Don Cherry - Mu, the first part
Don Cherry - Mu, the first part
Total Vibration
Don Cherry - Mu, the first part
Sun of the East
Don Cherry - Mu, the first part
Terrestrial Beings
Don Cherry - Mu, the first part
The Mysticism of My Sound
Don Cherry - Mu, the second part
Don Cherry - Mu, the second part
Interactive CKCU
Greetings, I am running a little late, be there SOON. ~ Allen (Chain Reaction)

11:43 PM, July 11th, 2018