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Both Kinds Of Music
Wednesday May 13th, 2015 with Dick Altavista
Power Pop music inspired by Wally Salem Salem and the usual stuff.

Little Hands
BMX Bandits - Serious Drugs
Your Class
The Yellow Melodies - Students Of Life: A Tribute to the BMX Bandits New
What You Do To Me
Teenage Fanclub - Bandwagonesque
The Neighbours
Jonathan Richman - Jonathan Sings
Cast A Shadow
Cub - Volcano 7" Canadian
Nicholas Bragg
Tough Age - Plays Cub's Hot Dog Day Canadian New
Off The Rails
The Pop Shove Its - The Pop Shove Its
Police State
The DeadBees - 2 Canadian New
How Do You Love Again
Chris Staig and the Marquee Players - Shack By The Tracks Canadian New
Come Hell Or High Water
Nick Ferrio - Come Hell Ofr High Water 7" Canadian New
Old Ways
Banditos - Banditos New
Jesus Take The Wheel
Sam Outlaw - Angeleno New
Je m'en fous
Kristine St. Pierre - Call Me Carazy Canadian New
The Last Party
Whitney Rose - Heartbreaker Of The Year
Eight More Days
Romi Mayes - Sweet Something Steady Canadian
The Bushpilots - Swerve Canadian
Everything I saw
The Weather Station - All Of It Was Mine Canadian
Sibe B
Andy Gabbard - Fluff New
The Bruitals - Pre-release Canadian New
Siren City
The Loons - The Loons New
Chop You Up
Neck - Hate To Reed Canadian New
David Bowie
Riishi Von Rex - demo Canadian New
East Ending
Saint Clare - East Ending Canadian New
Capital Grass And the No Men - Hunkerdownlow Canadian New
Disappointed A few People
Chris Page - Volume Vs. Voice Canadian New
Living On The North Side
Mike McDonald - Live At The Blue Chair Cafe Canadian New
Whitehorse - Never Leave A bridge Unburned Canadian New
The Good Intentions Of Professor Atombender
The Reverb Syndicate - Odyssey Canadian New
the band whose name is a symbol - Superficial marks Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Jonathan richman woohoo

1:43 PM, May 13th, 2015
Great show. Love that Cub (plus some random dude) cover of Cast A Shadow!

4:08 PM, May 13th, 2015
BMX Bandits are an amazing band and sort of a Scottish supergroup whose members are linked to 100's of bands including Teenage Fanaclub, Superstar, Frank Blake, Speedboat, The Groovy Little Numbers, Boy Hairdressers, The Soup Dragons, Future Pilot AKA, Linden, The Primary 5, Eugenius, The Pearlfishers, High Fidelity, Music and Movement, Astro Chimp, Nice Man & The Bad Boys, Radio Sweethearts, Captain America, The Vaselines and many more

6:08 PM, May 13th, 2015
I should also mention Green Peppers, Snowgoose, Cheeky Monkey, The Wellgreen and all the bands on the Shoeshine Record Label run by Francis MacDonald - all somehow linked to the BMX Bandits

6:49 PM, May 13th, 2015
Dick Alta Vista (host)
Wally you are a font of musical knowledge, a purveyor of fine music, a true fan and truly fine gentleman. Long live The Beautiful Music.

8:23 PM, May 13th, 2015
I saw The Soup Dragons open for INXS here in Ottawa at the Civic Centre 1991 :)

10:01 PM, May 13th, 2015
Now I'm blushing, & I'll say the same about you, a wealth of knowledge,especially about the local scene - really appreciate what you do and CKCU is the best. ps - love the Reverb Syndicate

10:08 PM, May 13th, 2015