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Monday May 22nd, 2023 with Dimitris & Markus
Queen Vicky's birthday! Huzzah! Come celebrate as we focus on Canadian artists

In Silence We Reign
Lutharo - Hiraeth Canadian
Cruel Fate - Expunged Cruel Fate split EP Canadian
When Will it End
Expunged - Visions of Agony Canadian New
Harvested - Harvested EP Canadian
Fun in the Mung
Gland - Fun in the Sun EP Canadian
Echoes from Beyond - As The Sun Dies Canadian New
The Great Leveler
AS WE SUFFER - The Fallen Pillars Canadian
Pleine Noirceur
FUCK THE FACTS - Pleine Noirceur Canadian
They Grieve - To Which I Bore Witness Canadian New
Stand Up and Fight
Exciter - Heavy Metal Maniac Canadian
Interactive CKCU