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The Filibuster
Monday October 24th, 2022 with Ben James, Brendan McLoughlin
Election day show: Covering a bunch of diff topics

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Interactive CKCU
logic no workie. He does what he says, notice? He will nuke. to poke US & NATO. He's insane. we all are now. Who's Elon musk!?;-)

9:29 AM, October 24th, 2022
Moergan Duchesney
contrary to a starement made on today's Filibister, there are reasonable ways to prevent the rise of billionaires. For example: changing tax policy, modifying capital gains rules and international cooperation on giverning the use and abuse of tax havens. The current lack of political will concerning these matters does not render them unreasonable or impossible.

10:49 AM, October 24th, 2022