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The Oort Cloud
Monday October 12th, 2015 with John "The Moog Man"
The Modular Monday Morning #4: Thanksgiving electro lunch time with your friends: Eno, Bowie, Damba and MORE! Pass the gravy and the prog!

Dirty Frigs - s/t Canadian
Over Fire Island
Brian Eno - Another Green World - EMI
V-2 Schneider
David Bowie - "Heroes" - EMI
Miles Away
John Foxx - John Foxx - Metal Beat
Showroom Dummies
Kraftwerk - Trans-Europe Express - Capitol
Electric To Me Turn
Bruce Haack - The Electric Lucifer - The Omni Recording Corporation Canadian
La Si Si, La So So
Zzebra - Panic - Polygram
Wayfaring Stranger
Joe Williams - Joe Williams at Newport 63' - RCA Victor
Roberta Bondar - Caustic (BT090) Canadian
Mother Sky
Can - Soundtracks - Spoon Records
Welcome To Paradise
Front 242 - 242 Selections - Epic
Infected With A Voice
Damba - <single> Canadian New
Desert Dream
Tangerine Dream - Encore - Virgin
Interactive CKCU
Dave Aardvark (host)
Great show John!

11:50 AM, October 12th, 2015
John Peippo (host)
Hey thanks Dave! Hope you're having a great long weekend and thanksgiving!

11:53 AM, October 12th, 2015
Dave Aardvark (host)
Thanks you too!

12:21 PM, October 12th, 2015