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Loosely Connected
Wednesday December 14th, 2016 with PeterB
Ska, Reggae, Beat Poetry… Big beats abound!

Deep diving today on Ska, Reggae, Dub. Especially from earlier days, but also new days. Prepare to dance!! TURN IT UP, AND CRANK THE BASS!!!! 'Loosely Connected' actually has a theme today! Who knew?! q;^) As usual, please hit us up on the Interactive Thingy (over there ==>). We'd love to hear from you!
Main Title Theme: Open Your Book
Kid Koala - Space Cadet: Original Still Picture Score Canadian
Open up with some old-school Ska beats, leading to early Reggae. And local heroes 'The Sentries', doing it up old-school, too.
Oh Carolina
The Folkes Brothers - The Story of Jamaican Music: Tougher Than Tough
Guns of Navarone
The Skatalites - The Story of Jamaican Music: Tougher Than Tough
The Sentries - The Horseman EP Canadian
The Sentries - The Horseman EP Canadian
Funeral (Of The Horseman)
The Sentries - The Horseman EP Canadian
Desmond Dekker (& The Aces) - The Story of Jamaican Music: Tougher Than Tough
Marcus Garvey
Burning Spear - Marcus Garvey
Jumping forward a decade or two … or four. Primo Reggae, Brit-Ska, Spoken Word and Dub.
Ring the Alarm
Tenor Saw - The Story of Jamaican Music: Tougher Than Tough
Many Rivers to Cross
UB40 - Labour of Love
Ghost Town
The Specials - The Specials, Extended Version EP
Rub A Dub Style Inna Regent Park
Lillian Allan - Revolutionary Tea Party Canadian
Pato And Roger A Go Talk
The English Beat - Special Beat Service
Iron Bar Dub
Linton Kwesi Johnson - LKJ In Dub
One Draw
Rita Marley - Who Feels It Knows It
Big Spliff
Black Uhuru - The Dub Factor
Panic in Babylon
Lee "Scratch" Perry - Panic in Babylon
Oh Carolina
Shaggy - The Story of Jamaican Music: Tougher Than Tough
Exit, stage left, with more of our local heros.
The Sentries - The Horseman EP Canadian
Dankey Kang
The Sentries - The Horseman EP Canadian
Interactive CKCU
PeterB (host)
Welcome! Your comments here...

12:04 PM, December 14th, 2016
If I didn't know better, I'd SWEAR that it was Saturday afternoon at 3:00 p.m. Just the kind of music we need on a day like today. Junior Smith would be proud.

12:15 PM, December 14th, 2016
Too bad I have to listen on headphones in the cubicle today--this music needs to be turned up LOUD!

12:24 PM, December 14th, 2016
PeterB (host)
Hi S.A.M. Got yer dancing shoes on??

12:25 PM, December 14th, 2016
Nope. Had to take a call and missed most of the show--oh well, will catch up on demand.

1:29 PM, December 14th, 2016