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Welcome To My World
Tuesday August 26th, 2014 with Kim Kilpatrick and Shelley Ann Morris
Caregivers with disabilities--tips and suggestions

What do you do when you are the caregiver and you yourself have a disability? Malia Bender shares how she manages as a grandma who is blind. We will be sharing some useful tips and suggestions--we welcome your input on this very important subject.
What You Do With What You Got
Suzie Burke and David Surette - Sometimes In The Evening Canadian
Man! I Feel Like A Woman
Shaniah Twain - Oh Wht A Feeling (vol. 2) Canadian
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Queen - Best of Queen
Once is Twice Enough
Brand New Heavies - Shelter
Interactive CKCU
Shelley Ann Morris (host)
Hello Everyone, We are joined by Malia Bender--a grandma who has disabilities and helping to care for her granddaughter who has some health challenges.

1:33 PM, August 24th, 2014
Hi there, It can be challenging for sure. I help my Mom by preparing meals and freezing them for her. I also look after dealing with caregivers/booking appt's. I am grateful to have a sister that is able to help herwith the physical things like buying groceries and cleaning.

10:02 AM, August 26th, 2014
Nothing like family to be in your corner! Great young co-host today! ;)

8:36 AM, August 27th, 2014
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