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Monday Special Blend
Monday July 31st, 2023 with Nathanael Newton & Chris White
Lorne Weiner, Chad Clifford and Michael Silverstone (Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust), Tiiu Strutt ('Land Heart Song')

* Ottawa singer-songwriter... and medical doctor... Lorne Weiner performs live and talks about his work with producer Dan Artuso. * Nathanael Newton and Chris White talk with songwriters and nature lovers Chad Clifford and Michael Silverstone about the Blueberry Mountain Music Gathering coming up this weekend, and the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust that protects that area from development. * Tiiu Strutt who performs as 'Land Heart Song' drops by to share a song and talk about forest schools.
Sunwheel Dance
Bruce Cockburn - Speechless
Lorne Weiner - Single
Interview with Lorne Weiner (Part 1)
The summer's lost
Lorne Weiner - Single
Interview with Lorne Weiner (Part 2)
Frida's Brow
Frida's Brow - Old Friends
Miria Hawkins interviews Tiiu Strutt (Land Heart Song)
Thank you Tree
Land Heart Song - Unreleased Single
All the Diamonds in the world
Claire Lynch - North By South
Nathanael and Chris Interview Chad Clifford & Michael Silverstone about the Blueberry Mountain Music Gathering and the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust
Interactive CKCU
Are people aware of the Cities And Memory project? Their gig is taking field recording and putting them in th hands of remixers. Includes thing like natural environment, religious places, city noise, etc etc. EXTREMELY COOL.

9:00 AM, July 31st, 2023
Chris White (host)
Thanks for this reference, Peter – we will definitely check it out.

1:11 PM, July 31st, 2023