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Friday August 18th, 2017 with Gord Walker
Food Banks are stepping up for the Poor: governments should too.

Why Food banks can't lift people out of poverty but a Minimum Basic Income could; Gord Walker asks Michael Maidment, Executive Director of the Ottawa Food Bank.
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Rod Haney
Hi Gord, Caught yr program this time...a most timely issue given that the numbers of poor are increasing and those who go to the Food banks are already on social assistance.. since the position of governments for the most part are to leave the burden on private citizens and corpns then it means voluntary taxing of those who are sensitive to plight of the poor in their community, in addition to the taxes they already contribute to social assistance. Did not get from interview any info about how the minimum income had worked in Manitoba before being shelved by a new govt. Good work man!

2:27 PM, August 23rd, 2017