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Night Watch
Sunday December 10th, 2017 with Bijon Roy
Become Comfortable In Despair - There Is No Other Way Forward

Welcome To Mendacity
Thisquietarmy - Democracy Of Dust - Midira (02017) Canadian New
2amoutu 17tirakan
Suuns and Jerusalem In My Heart - Suuns and Jerusalem In My Heart - Secretly Canadian (02015) Canadian
Thisquietarmy - Democracy Of Dust - Midira (02017) Canadian New
Between Water And Wind
Colin Stetson - All This I Do For Glory - 52Hz (02017) Canadian
Ungava - Ungava - 36 (01977) Canadian
New Latitudes
The Cosmic Range - New Latitudes - Idee Fixe (02016) Canadian
3attam Babey
Suuns and Jerusalem In My Heart - Suuns and Jerusalem In My Heart - Secretly Canadian (02015) Canadian
Love II
The Cosmic Range - New Latitudes - Idee Fixe (02016) Canadian
The Lure Of The Mine
Colin Stetson - All This I Do For Glory - 52Hz (02017) Canadian
Jour Nuit Jour
Le Fruit Vert - Paon Perdu - Three:four (02017) Canadian
Trans-pop Express > Alizé Et Margaret D. Midi Moins Le Quart. Sur la Plage, Un Palmier Ensanglanté
Avec Le Soleil Sortant De Sa Bouche - Pas Pire Pop, I Love You So Much - Constellation (02017) Canadian
Tourner Incessamment Dans L'éclatement Euphorique de Soi / Road Painting Ahead
Avec Le Soleil Sortant De Sa Bouche - Pas Pire Pop, I Love You So Much - Constellation (02017) Canadian
Bound And Boundless
Do Make Say Think - Stubborn Persistent Illusions - Constellation (02017) Canadian
Anthem For No State
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Luciferian Towers - Constellation (02017) Canadian
MRI [Parts I-III]
Crab Boat - Quality Rolls - Cardinal Fuzz (02017) Canadian New
Interactive CKCU
Heavy Ben
Lots of red maple leafs!

12:02 AM, December 11th, 2017
Q: Where are we on the playlist right now? Is it up to date or is it ahead or behind. Interesting music, not sure which it is.

12:29 AM, December 11th, 2017
Bijon Roy (host)
I try to keep it up to date as we go along... this is Avec Le Soleil Sortant De Sa Bouche.

12:30 AM, December 11th, 2017
Thanks. Sounds great.

12:35 AM, December 11th, 2017
Bijon Roy (host)
Yeah, I really love this record... and they're great live, too!

12:36 AM, December 11th, 2017
A lot of music mixing together by the sounds of it. Glad to be listening to it.

12:43 AM, December 11th, 2017