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The Passionate Friar
Wednesday February 3rd, 2016 with Phelonius Friar
Interviewing Alex Nuttal on disability tropes in comics and Barbara Gordon/Batgirl, and an intro to citizen science

On today's show, I get to do my first interview for this show! In conversation in the studio will be Alex Nuttal, a Master's student here at Carleton University discussing her thesis-in-progress of a feminist examination of disability tropes in popular media by examining the case of Barbara Gordon, aka Batgirl, aka Oracle and the issues surrounding her physical impairment and subsequent re-ablement that has caused such controversy. For science, some topics in "citizen science" (yes, you can and should do this at home!) that I think are going to take a few shows to get through, but we need to start somewhere... And, as always, as much marvy tunage as I can fit throughout.
Batgirl Theme Song
Batman Show Composer? - N/A
Action Figure
Snagglepuss - The Country Club Sessions
Batgirl's Theme
Legion Ivory - Injustice : Gods Among Us
We're Only Science
Dot Allison - Electroklash
Push The Button
Money Mark - Push The Button
Interactive CKCU
Good morning everyone!

9:59 AM, February 3rd, 2016
Good morning! What a slippy, slidey, wet, and weird day out there!

10:00 AM, February 3rd, 2016
good morning all!

10:01 AM, February 3rd, 2016
How bizarre, Alex's voice sounds a LOT like Lilith's!

10:03 AM, February 3rd, 2016
Shelley Ann Morris
Really enjoying this discussion about comic book characters who have 'disabilities.' It's something that some of us talk about from time to time.

10:15 AM, February 3rd, 2016
On this topic...from Jan 11. Toronto author Jewel Kats, inspiration for Archie Comics character, dies. She is also the inspiration for Harper Lodge, a recent addition to Archie Comics and the first character with a disability.

10:15 AM, February 3rd, 2016
Shelley Anjn Morris
Yes, because of hearing about Jewel Kats on this show, we did a piece about her and how people with disabilities are portrayed in children's books on our show, too.

10:22 AM, February 3rd, 2016
Shelley Ann Morris
Oh this is so interesting!!!

10:25 AM, February 3rd, 2016
Really interesting thesis topic through comics and applying it to our 'real' world points of view.

10:26 AM, February 3rd, 2016
Great discussion!

10:27 AM, February 3rd, 2016

10:40 AM, February 3rd, 2016
Bird watchers have been doing this for ages

10:45 AM, February 3rd, 2016
ah yes, the enigmatic Dot Allison, Dorothy, not dotcom ;) hehehe

10:53 AM, February 3rd, 2016
zomg!! when I wrote that last night I was singing this song!! woohoo!! Kickstarter!!!

10:58 AM, February 3rd, 2016