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Thursday Special Blend
Thursday August 6th, 2020 with Michael Powell
Housing! And Covers!

We're joined by Mariee-Josee Houle, Execuitive Director of Action Housing to discuss some of the challenges for renters from recent changes to Ontario's tenant laws (You'll be surprised to learn that the Ford Government has removed some protections). In the last half hour, David walks us through some great covers of classic Canadian singer songwriters.
Born Ruffians - Juice Canadian New
The Suburbs
Arcade Fire - The Suburbs Canadian
Scott Street
Phoebe Bridgers - Stranger in the Alps
Girly Girly Girly
The White Wires - The White Wires Canadian
Good2Go - BAR-B-QUE Canadian
Through Strange Eyes
The Sadies - Northern Passages Canadian
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald
The Rheostatics - Melville Canadian
Hymns of the 49th Parallel
K.D. Lang - One Day I Walk Canadian
Whitehorse - (Live) Canadian
So Long Marianne
Courtney Barnett - MTV Unplugged (Live in Melbourne)
Interactive CKCU
great show! thanks! stay safe!

9:35 AM, August 6th, 2020