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This Week's Spotlight: All playlists

Date Host Highlight On Demand
12:00 AM  Sep. 29th, 2024 Ian Jeans Renny's Riot
12:00 AM  Sep. 22nd, 2024 Duncan Spencer & Corrie Track 11 & Vanishing Point
12:00 AM  Sep. 15th, 2024 Trevor Walker FRIDAY DRIVE
12:00 AM  Sep. 8th, 2024 Joe Reilly & Chris Lyne The Guestlist & Bedtime Stories
12:00 AM  Sep. 1st, 2024 Brian Kom + Nabil Ahmed & Corrie Wednesday Walk + Vanishing point
12:00 AM  Aug. 25th, 2024 Ray Harris Canadian Spaces
12:00 AM  Aug. 18th, 2024 Candace & Lester Bear Candyshop & Lester Bear
12:00 AM  Aug. 11th, 2024 Zoë Argiropulos-Hunter & Doug Bird First Crush & I Doug That
12:00 AM  Jul. 28th, 2024 Rampaging Renny Kaboom in the afternoon! The gloves come off!!! A one-two punch to a four to the bar beat. Be prepared for a rock & roll beatdown!
12:00 AM  Jul. 21st, 2024 Duncan Spencer & Muddy Watters, Mr. Cool, Rock n Roll Bot Light, Groovy, and Twangy Summer Tunes & Canada's Cool Culture Radio Ride Series!
12:00 AM  Jul. 14th, 2024 Anne-Marie Brugger and Chris White CANADIAN SPACES "Live" from The Turning Point at 411 Cooper near Bank.
12:00 AM  Jul. 7th, 2024 Candace & Lester Bear MixxxxedFruit Variety Pack 🍓🍓🍇🍇🍋🍋 & Canada Day Week celebrations!
12:00 AM  Jun. 30th, 2024 Zoë Argiropulos-Hunter, Colin Giles First Crush & Imagination Basement
1:00 AM  Jun. 23rd, 2024 Ladia & Heavy Ben Summer Solstice, National Indigenous Peoples Day
12:00 AM  Jun. 16th, 2024 Rompin' Renny ROCK & ROLL RIOT! In the great words of Webb Wilder: "Rock & roll is what I am, it's all I do and if you don't think it's number 1, you're full of number 2." Seventy years of rock & roll in two hours.
12:00 AM  Jun. 9th, 2024 Trevor Walker [MEMEfestWarmUp]
12:00 AM  Jun. 2nd, 2024 Joe Reilly & Chris Lyne THE GUESTLIST & BEDTIME STORIES
12:00 AM  May. 26th, 2024 Ray Harris The Hypochondriacs AMAZING NEW LIVE ALBUM… in its entirety!!! Plus Arthur Alexander, new Dolly, new Romi, more!
12:00 AM  May. 19th, 2024 Teresa Bandrowska Mid-May Music from Canadian Folk Artists with your host Teresa Bandrowska
12:00 AM  May. 5th, 2024 Reverberating Renny MAY DAY MAYHEM! 52% songs for the Workers. 34% New Releases. 33% Canadian Content. What are the odds?
12:00 AM  Apr. 28th, 2024 Trevor Walker [OpenFormat+LabWarmUp]
12:00 AM  Apr. 21st, 2024 Teresa Bandrowska Two hours of Canadian Folk, featuring winners of Canadian Folk Music Awards, Grassroots Festival performers, and Connie Kaldor. With your host Teresa Bandrowska.
1:00 AM  Apr. 14th, 2024 Heavy Ben Herbie Hancock
12:00 AM  Apr. 14th, 2024 Ladia Carry me home
12:00 AM  Apr. 7th, 2024 Ray Harris Remembering Merle Haggard & John Prine, Emmylou's b-day, Gram Parsons, The Guess Who, new Slo'Tom, a new live track from the Sweetheart Tour, Cooper Bros. & more!
12:00 AM  Mar. 31st, 2024 Ian Jeans BITS AND BITES! A different handful every time. 60's Yorkville, slick country, tartan teenagers, and more garage stomp. Myna Birds, Randypeters, Bay City Rollers, with new stuff from Wise Guise, Sleeveens, and Nicolette & The Nobodies.
12:00 AM  Jan. 28th, 2024 Imp-Yam Cataracts Interplanetary? Extraørbinary? 🪐⁺˚⋆。🌠
12:00 AM  Aug. 27th, 2023 Mike R, David L Stranger Players
12:00 AM  Jul. 16th, 2023 Renny Renny Renny Riot Riot Riot on th' Rewind rewind Rewind!
12:00 AM  Jul. 2nd, 2023 Lyne 'n' Watters Bedtime for Canada
12:00 AM  Jun. 18th, 2023 Erik S, Lester B Curious Bear on a Sunday Morn....
12:00 AM  Jun. 4th, 2023 Re-re-R-Ray Harris Let's Re Rock the TruckStop!
12:00 AM  May. 21st, 2023 Duncan Spencer & Heavy Ben Chance Meeting X Track 11
12:00 AM  May. 7th, 2023 Lester and Chris A Bear's Necessity might B a Good Bedtime Story
11:00 PM  Apr. 23rd, 2023 Rewind Renny! Riot so Nice, we Played it Twice!
11:00 PM  Apr. 16th, 2023 Watters & Kirkland tapes CCC and VCB on the RR this eve to morn.....
11:00 PM  Apr. 9th, 2023 L Bear N Ray H The Necessities Stop, Truck On Bearin'
11:00 PM  Apr. 2nd, 2023 Duncan Track(s), Ian's Riot Track 11 & Renny's Riot reprised.
11:00 PM  Mar. 26th, 2023 Adriana, Zoe Hexon a First Crush Bogon Reron.
11:00 PM  Mar. 19th, 2023 Heavy Ben, Trevor Walker Chance a Friday Meeting Drive.....

Earlier playlists (if any) pre-date online listings