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Music From The Glen
Sunday February 16th, 2020 with Gord Peeling
Passing the long cold days of winter with stories, recitations, tunes and songs.

The Canal Builders, Labourers, Craftsmen and Engineers plus A Life on the Cuts (part A)
Jon Raven, John Kirkpatrick & Sue Harris - The English Canals - Broadside '76 [v]
Morag and Binkers
Doug Dorward - Waves - Self '16 Canadian
Life on the Cuts (part B) and Canals in the Late 19th & 20th Century
Jon Raven, John Kirkpatrick & Sue Harris - The English Canals - Broadside '76 [v]
Good Morning You Would Like Some Tea
Doug Dorward - Waves - self '16 Canadian
Dave Paddon - From Stage to Stage - Foleymore '14 Canadian
Crossing the Bridge
Doug Dorward - Waves - self '16 Canadian
Dave Paddon - From Stage to Stage - Foleymore '14 Canadian
Salt Pound Singles
Doug Dorwrd - Waves - self '16 Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Dale Morland
Thank you, Gord, for making the canal story available this morning. As one who has been in a narrow boat on those canals many times, it is really enlightening to hear the rough situations which the first users had to endure, contrasting profoundly with our relaxed, tourist use.

12:08 PM, February 16th, 2020
Gord Peeling (host)
Thanks Dale, glad you are enjoying the Canal story!

12:26 PM, February 16th, 2020