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Roots and Rhythms
Wednesday August 1st, 2012 with Alnoor Allidina
Canadian Gamelan Roundup

Alnoor Allidina is missing the Evergreen Club gamelan performance tonight. To compensate, we hear one hour of Canadian gamelan. Will include Sundanese, Javanese, and Balinese repertoire.
Kotak Musik
Giri Kedaton - Bali X Canadian
Kid A
Giri Kedaton - Bali X Canadian
Le Chat Noir
Giri Kedaton - Bali X Canadian
Jeruk Bali (Sweet Grapefruit)
Evergreen Club - Sunda Song Canadian
Sorban Palid
Evergreen Club - Sunda Song Canadian
Gamelan Madu Sari - Hive Canadian
Full Fathom Five
Gamelan Madu Sari - Hive Canadian
Interactive CKCU
Alnoor Allidina (host)
Radiohead eat your heart out!

8:13 PM, August 1st, 2012
Bruce Walton (host)
Nice! Sorry you missed the Evergreen Club show, and I thought you bore up very well under the disappointment

1:21 PM, August 2nd, 2012
Rob Bitschofsky
Terrific show, Alnoor. I also had no idea about the Giri Kedaton record. It's pretty amazing. If it's any consolation, I missed Evergreen as well!

2:39 PM, August 2nd, 2012
Alnoor Allidina (host)
Thanks guys! The concert on Wednesday got mixed reviews, plus I had a blast with that Giri Kedaton stuff.

11:01 AM, August 3rd, 2012
Nice program, pretty varied within the style.

9:23 PM, August 4th, 2012
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