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Acoustic Frontiers
Monday November 10th, 2014 with Ralph Hopper
Xelo Giner/Andres Lewin-Richter,Elainie Lillios, Christophe Ruetsch, Joo Won Park, Pierre Alexandre Tremblay

We return to recently received CDs today with music by Elainie Lillios, Pierre Alexandre Tremblay, Xelo Giner along with works from Soundcloud plus submitted works to JTTP 2014.
Secuencia XVI
Xelo Giner/Andres Lewin-Richter - Saxophone/Electronica
Elainie Lillios - Entre Espaces
Point de Fuite
Christophe Ruetsch - Soundcloud
Eyelid Spasm
Joo Won Park - Soundcloud
Un clou, son marteau, et le béton
Pierre Alexandre Tremblay - La maree Canadian
Endangered Landscape
William Young - JTTP 2014 Canadian