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Janis Lockwood
Thursday May 25th, 2017 with Janis Lockwood

Raggle Taggle Gipsies
Waterson:Carthy - Broken Ground
The New Custom House, Le Set de American, & Harris Dance Tune
John Williams - Steam
When The Trickster Starts A-Polkin'
Gogol Bordello - Gogol Bordello
Wonderful Life
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Nocturama
Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow
The Lake Effect Sound - Sounds from Across The Lake Canadian
The Lake Effect Sound play Irene's Pub Friday night
The New Albion Chorale/The Discovery
Terry Riley - The Harp of New Albion
Scout Niblett - Sweet Heart Fever
David Bowie - All Saints: Collected Instrumentals 1977 - 1999
The Acorn - Vieux Loup Canadian
Interactive CKCU
l Coyote
Say Hey from el Rancho U ~ The rain drove me and the solar-powered radio inside from working on some stone steps here. Fine... we'll just take a pre-(big) game rain check on the onward and upward (downward doggedly, shurely!) stone work, re-hydrate and continue listening to the Mighty Quatre-Vingt-Treize et Un. As eclectic and engaging as ever, Janis. Keep up the good wireless works, muchacha. PS: Advance with enthusiastic vigour against that waddle of Emperor Penguins in Pittsburgh tonight Senatorial Blade Runner Brigade!

5:03 PM, May 25th, 2017
Janis Lockwood (host)
Always good to hear from the Ranch Hands, whatever the weather, and hooray for enthusiastic vigour!

8:20 PM, May 25th, 2017